Mosquito Spraying Referral Program

Simple, straight forward way to save money on your personal mosquito and tick spraying.

The Mosquito Eaters has a very aggressive Mosquito Spraying Referral Program.

  • 1 Free Spraying for EVERY new customer that signs up for a 3 or 7 spray package
  • For every year that customer renews with us, you will receive 50% off 1 spraying
    • (you will be responsible for verifying this renewal as it will not occur automatically.)

Remember, the more of your neighbors that have tick and mosquito control, the better everyone’s backyard will be!

Mosquitoes and ticks might be killed on your property, however, they can still come in from adjacent properties. If you and your immediate neighbors have mosquito and tick control, then everyone will have a better backyard.
Our referral program is in place to make sure that you get rewarded two ways when you refer someone.

  1. You get money back on your mosquito and tick control!
  2. You get even better protection and results on your property as your adjacent neighbors will be controlling their mosquito and tick population.

This Mosquito Spraying Referral Program is the start to a happy backyard.

Mosquito Spraying Referral Program Pewaukee

Send us a message

When you have someone you know, a referral, call us; make sure they let us know you referred them and we will credit your account once they sign up. If you referred someone but didn’t get your notification, simply contact us and we will get it straightened out for you.

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